Claremont La Verne, San Dimas
Community Connections
Offers “supportive transportation” and includes door-through-door
assistance as well as escort assistance at the destination. Transportation
provides seniors and the disabled with a critical link to their communities.
This program will make it possible to go to the grocery store, volunteer
activities, physical therapy sessions, visits to a loved one in a nursing home,
hair dresser and church services. Such trips, to life-sustaining and
life-enriching destinations and activities are important to both the quantity
of and quality of life experienced by seniors and the disabled. These trips would not be
possible without the volunteer driver program.
Community Connections unique features:
recruit their own volunteer drivers from friends and neighbors who they already
know and trust
are empowered by reimbursing mileage to their volunteer driver (funds provided
by the New Freedoms grant)
can be arranged to cities outside the scope of existing
senior transportation programs and most importantly, across county lines
Each trip may include multiple destinations and is scheduled by
passenger and the volunteer driver
any time that is mutually convenient
Volunteer drivers provide companionship and escorted rides
Rides are provided in the personal vehicle of the driver or
Volunteering to drive provides an opportunity to serve and make a
. Eligibility:
SUPPORTIVE TRANSPORTATION - for people with disabilities, seniors
with significant limitations. Call (909) 621-9900 ask for Michelle to
apply and be screened by Community Senior Services. Participants must
reside: Pomona, Claremont, La Verne, and San Dimas